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Sunday, November 25, 2007

The eight step of the Atomic animation

Step Eight: The Nucleus Spinners

You should still be inside the Atom Altogether MC.

  1. Lock the Rings Layer:
  2. On the Nucleus Spinners Layer draw a: Circle
  3. Select the Stroke (outline) and press: Delete
  4. Reselect the centre fill and size the circle: 40 x 40
  5. Make a circular radial fill with the following properties:

  6. From left to right, for the paint buckets:

    1: #00FF00 at 100% alpha
    2: #00E800 at 0% alpha
    3: #00C000 at 0% alpha
    4: #00E000 at 100% alpha
    5: #007000 at 0% alpha
    6: #000000 at 0% alpha

  7. Right click on the Circle and select: Convert to Symbol
  8. For Name type: Spinner
  9. For Behavior select: Movie Clip
  10. For Registration select: Bottom Left
  11. Click: OK
  12. Copy and Paste the Movie Clip twice so that you have a total of: Three Instances
  13. Move the Movie clips so that they are in a similar position as below:

    Nuclear Spinners in place.

    Now we need to make them Spin !! To make sure they do not spin in parallel we will need to rotate two of the spinners around.

  14. If the Transform Panel is closed, open it: Window > Design Panel > Transform (Ctrl T)
  15. Select the: Top Left Spinner
  16. In the Transform Panel for Rotation type: -120

    Top let spinner rotated around.

  17. Select the: Bottom Right Spinner
  18. In the Transform Panel for Rotation type: 120

    You should end up with something similar to this.

  19. Select the: Top Right Spinner
  20. Right Click and select: Edit
  21. Select the circle that you drew earlier: Select Circle
  22. Right click and select: Convert to Symbol
  23. For Name type: Inner Glow
  24. For Behavior select: Movie Clip
  25. For Registration select: Bottom Left
  26. Click: OK
  27. Select the Free Transform Tool:
  28. Move the Rotation Point from the centre to the bottom left:

    To here ->

    Move the rotation point from the Centre to the bottom left.

  29. Return to the Selection tool:
  30. In the Timeline select: Frame 1
  31. In the Property Inspector select: Tween >Motion
  32. Select Ease: 100
  33. For Rotate select: CW x 2

    Timeline properties for Frame 1.

  34. In the Timeline right click on Frame 100 and select: Insert keyframe
  35. In the Property Inspector select Ease: -50
  36. For Rotate select: CW x 2

    Timeline Properties for Frame 100.

  37. In the Timeline right click on Frame 200 and select: Insert keyframe
  38. On Frame 200 select the: Inner Glow MC
  39. If the Transform Panel is closed, open it: Window > Design Panels > Transform (Ctrl T)
  40. Set the size for both the width and height to: 5%
  41. In the Property Inspector set the color to: Alpha 0%
  42. Go back to: Frame 100
  43. Set the color to: Alpha 90%
  44. Return to: Frame 1
  45. Select the: Inner Glow MC
  46. Set the size for both the width and height to: 5%
  47. In the Property Inspector set the color to: Alpha 0%
  48. On your Keyboard press: Enter

  49. You should see something similar to the above animation.

  50. Return to the Main Stage by clicking on the Scene 1 Tab:
  51. Go to: Modify > Document
  52. Set the background to: Black
  53. If the Library is closed, open it: Window Library (F11)
  54. Drag the Atom Altogether on the: Stage
  55. Test you Movie: Control > Test Movie (Ctrl Enter)

    You should see something similar to this:

1 comment:

BillyWarhol said...


is that ever c0ol*


I will leave the Flash Design to U Pros!!