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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Attractive Reflection Effect

Read this tutorial and learn how to create attractive reflection effect in flash. Using this tutorial, you will also learn how to use Color Mixer Panel, how to apply flash filters on effect, how to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol and more. You don't have to use action script code to make this tutorial.Let's go!


Step 1

First of all download my image that we will be use it for this tutorial.

Step 2

Create a new flash document.

Step 3

Select Modify > Document (shortcut key: Ctrl+J ). Set the width of your document to 420 pixels and the height to 168 pixels. Select any color as background color and set your Flash movie's frame rate to 32 fps. Then, click ok.

Step 4

Choose File > Import > Import to Stage (Shortcut key:Ctrl+R). In the file explorer window that appears, find my image that we will be use for this example and select it. Then click Open.

Step 5

While the image is still selected, go to the Align Panel (Ctrl+K) and do the following:

1. Make sure that the Align/Distribute to Stage button is turned on,
2. Click on the Align horizontal center button and
3. Click the Align vertical center button.

Now, you have aligned the image with the background.

Step 6

Double click on layer 1 to rename its name in image.

Step 7

Click on frame 5 of layer image and press F5 key.

Step 8

Create a new layer above the image layer and name it effect 1.

Step 9

Take the Zoom Tool (M,Z) and zoom the left side of image.Then, take the Brush Tool (B), select brush size which you like, for Fill Color choose any color and draw a shape like it is shown on the picture below.

Step 10

While the shape is still selected,go to the Color Mixer Panel (Shortcut key: Shift+F9) and choose the following options:

1. Click on the paint bucket icon to select the Fill color.
2. Choose Linear as Type.
3. Click on the small color rectangle that is on the left side and set its color to #F2F2F2. Alpha property set to 31%
4. Click on the second rectangle from the right side and set its color to white , but change its alpha property to 90%.

Now you have this:

Step 11

While the shape is still selected, press F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert this shape into a Movie Clip Symbol.See the picture below.

Step 12

Click on frame 5 and press F6 key.

Step 13

While you're still on frame 5, take the Selection Tool (V) and click once on the shape to select it. Then, go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3) below the stage. On the right, you will see the Color menu. Select Alpha in it and put it down to 92%.

Step 14

After that, Click on the Filters tab. Then, click on the plus icon and select the Glow filter. Make the adjustements as follows:

1. Blur X and Y : 5
2. Strength : 120%
3. Quality : Low.
4. Color : #FFFFFF.
5. Turn on Knockout options.

Step 15

Go back on frame 1, take again the Selection Tool (V) and click once again on the shape (Movie Clip) to select it. Then, go again to the Properties Panel. On the right, you will see again the Color menu. Select Alpha in it and put it down to 61%.

We're done with the left side of image. Repeat this process also for the right side of image.


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