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Monday, November 26, 2007

This is the finall step of this tutorilas

Step Nine: The ActionScript

The ActionScript achieves two things.

  1. It rotates the Atom.
  2. It creates the trails on the electrons.

We are almost done! Now we need to add the Actionscript to the movie to make the electron trails!

    Note: This ActionScript will not work in Flash 5. See Details

  1. Make sure you are on the Main Stage and not inside one of the Movie Clips. If you are not sure click on the Scene 1 Tab to return to the Main Stage:
  2. Select the Movie Clip of the: Atom Altogether
  3. In the Property Inspector give it an Instance Name: atom
  4. In the Timeline select: Frame 1
  5. If the Actions Panel is closed, open it: Window > Actions (F9)
  6. Place the following code in Frame 1.

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