Custom Search

Saturday, November 24, 2007

This is the seventh step of the turotial from the previous two post

Step Seven: Creating the Atom

  1. Go to: Insert > New Symbol
  2. For name type: Atom Altogether
  3. For Behavior select: Movie Clip
  4. Click: OK
  5. Rename your only layer to: Rings
  6. If the Library is closed, open it: Window > Library (F11)
  7. Drag on to Stage the Movie Clip: Electron Ring
  8. Centre the Electron Ring MC on the Stage: Centre
  9. In the Property Inspector give the Electron Ring MC an Instance Name: myRing1
  10. Drag another copy of the MC Electron Ring onto the stage and name it: myRing2
  11. Drag another copy of the MC Electron Ring onto the stage and name it: myRing2
  12. Rotate and Centre myRing2 and myRing3 until they look like this:

    Position of Rings on Stage.
  13. Note: Do not type myRing1 etc on Stage (as above) type the Instance Names in the Property Inspector!

  14. Use the Insert Layer button in the Timeline to create another: Layer
  15. Name the New Layer: Nucleus Spinners
  16. Create another: Layer
  17. Name the New Layer: Nucleus
  18. Drag your Layers so that the order is like this:

    Ring Layer is on the top.

  19. On the Nucleus Layer draw a: Circle
  20. Position and size it so that it fits neatly inside of the the rings: Resize and Move Circle
  21. Fill the circle with the following gradient fill:

    From left to right, for the Paint Buckets:

    1: #00FF00 at 100% alpha
    2: #000400 at 100% alpha
    3: #36FE36 at 100% alpha
    4: #025801 at 100% alpha
    5: #012501 at 0% alpha
    6: #000000 at 0% alpha

  22. In the Timeline turn the Visibility of the Nucleus Layer off:

Next step will be shown in the next post :)

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